Sunday, January 29, 2006

Talk about close to home!

Read about this story here.

I'm glad everyone was found safe.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The sega continues

The other night I went out to play poker with my buddy Clayton. I lost of course to his fiancé, who would touch trips one with a big kicker about 6 times that I recall (and I honestly think she had more…)

Anyways, my point of my story is not to complain about being beaten by a girl, although that would have some merit. When I was at Clayton’s house one of his friends came over. His name was Andrew. Now I had not met Andrew before, or this should have been the case. But the second he came up the stairs I said, “Hey, I know you!” And he said, “Uh, I don’t think so.”

I said, “No, seriously I do. I must have been I residence with you my first year.”

He said, “Nope. I’ve never lived in residence.”

I said, “hmm, that’s strange because I swear I know you from first year.”

He sat down and started to play some cards and later on said, “you know what, you do look hellish familiar… what classes were you in?”

J: “World religions, geology, calculus, Psychology”

A: “Who did you have for Psych? What it a chick?”

J: “Yeah, Jackobson I think.”

A: “Dude, that’s it. That’s how I know you, we used to sit together.”

J: ” Nope, I never went to class, and when I did I sat with a girl that I dated…”

A: “That’s weird, but I still can’t figure out how I know you… but you look so familiar. Were you in theatre?”

J: “FIRST YEAR DRAMA. That’s how I know you!”

A: “Yeah! You used to smoke dope with Quintin and I after class right?”

J: “No I didn’t! I’ve never touched the stuff, however I know who you’re thinking about and I’m not him! But we were in class together, I’m the guy who dated Miss Manitoba for a while…”

A: “Oh, yeah, right. That’s so weird that we would know each other like that…”

So, on progressed our evening, proceeding to get kicked from Crystal and her never-ending horseshoes. I couldn’t believe that I remembered this guy just when I saw him from taking one class with him 6 years ago. And everyone thought that I was full of Sh*t! As the night progressed, he then started to complain about his roommate…

A: “So, Richard was over last night and man was there a fight or what…”

Then Clayton started laughing uncontrollably. Yes folks, that’s right. I randomly met the other straight guy who’s roommate is the boyfriend of my roommate. Wow. At least we both got to concur that living with a gay roommate makes you unbelievably heterosexual.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I've noticed that many people from the United States check my blog, so I thought that I would show this helpful conversion chart that I got in an email today.

10˚ Celsius (50˚ Fahrenheit) Californians shiver uncontrollably, Canadians plant gardens.

1.6˚ C (35˚ Fahrenheit) Italian cars won't start; Canadians drive with the windows down.

0˚ C (32˚ Fahrenheit) American water freezes, Canadian water gets thicker.

-17.9˚ C (0˚ Fahrenheit) New York City landlords finally turn on the heat; Canadians have the last barbecue of the season.

-51˚ C (-60˚ Fahrenheit) Mt. St. Helens freezes, Canadians Girl Guides sell cookies door to door.

-73˚ C (-100˚ Fahrenheit) Santa Claus abandons the North Pole, Ottawa's Rideau Canal (the world's longest skating rink) opens for skating.

-114˚ C (-173˚ Fahrenheit) Ethyl alcohol freezes, Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg of beer.

-273˚ C (-460˚ Fahrenheit) Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops, Canadians start saying "cold enough for ya, eh?"

-295˚ C (-500˚ Fahrenheit) Hell freezes over, The Saskatchewan Roughriders win the Grey Cup.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Luck was a lady tonight

So, I played poker again tonight and won. I'm on a roll!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Enjoying Winnipeg life thus far

I had one fun night last night.

My cousin invited me out for poker night. And of course, they all drink like a bunch of Ukrainians so we did it up right. We were playing elimination Hold’em, which means everyone puts into the pot and in turn are given x amount of chips. So, the first game everyone (6 guys) put in 5 bones, one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. The second game was a $10 game (6 guys), one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. (see the pattern?)

The third game was a $20 game (6 guys), one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. Oh. Just wait. In this third game, when I say “Lost rather quickly,” I actually mean, “Kicked ass and won.”

Oh yeah, and I also won the fourth game. Same stakes as the third.


So yeah, I was very happy to win. The fun part was that my buddy Myron was trying to offer me a really pathetic deal, and I wouldn’t take it (and he was the chip leader) because it was a pathetic offer. So I grinded him out.

Of course, just like my great grand dad used to say, “To be a good card player, it takes good cards.”

Seeing that I’m talking about fun things that I did, I will also mention that I went out on Saturday night. Man it was fun. My cousin Katlyn and I went out and had a nice supper, then learned how to salsa. (we also learned how to line dance and do hip hop, but I would rather discuss the salsa because I sucked at the latter). I had such a good time. Katlyn sure can dance so we were cutting up some serious rug. And guess what else? We got to swing dance, and a guy I met there was a hell of a swing dancer, so I got to learn some new moves in swing dancing. There were a lot of tosses and some flips too. Fun fun fun!

I can’t wait to try some of my new moves with some of my friends that know how to dance. (Insert names such as Becca, Lisette, etc.)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Prevention opposed to treatment

A Physician trying to explain the dilemmas of the modern practice of medicine:

You know,” he said, “sometimes it feels like this. There I am standing by the shore of a swiftly flowing river and I hear the cry of a drowning man. So I jump into the river, put my arms around him, pull him to shore and apply artificial respiration, and then just as he begins to breathe, another cry for help. SO back in the river again, reaching, pulling, applying, breathing, and then another yell. Again and again, without end, goes the sequence. You know, I am so busy jumping in, pulling them to shore, applying artificial respiration, that I have no time to see who the hell is pushing them all in.”

(K Zola, “Helping – Does it Matter: The Problems and Prospects of Mutal Aid Groups” addressed to the United Ostomy Association, 1970)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I wonder if this is the case...

I saw this on another blog and it made me laugh. Check it out here

Top 16 Country Songs

Some of these remind me of my ex...

16. It's Hard To Kiss The Lips At Night That Chewed Your Ass Out All Day Long
15. If I Can't Be Number One In Your Life, Then Number Two On You
14. If The Phone Don't Ring, You'll Know It's Me
13. How Can I Miss You If You Won't Go Away?
12. I Liked You Better Before I Got to Know You So Well
11. I Still Miss You Baby, But My Aim's Gettin' Better
10. I Wouldn't Take Her To A Dog Fight 'Cause I'm Afraid She'd Win
9. I'll Marry You Tomorrow, But Let's Honeymoon Tonight
8. I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Like You're Still Here
7. If I Had Shot You When I First Wanted To, I'd Be Out Of Prison By Now
6. My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend And I Sure Do Miss Him
5. She Got The Ring And I Got The Finger
4. You're The Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly
3. Her Teeth Was Stained But Her Heart Was Pure
2. She's Looking Better After Every Beer
1. I Ain't Never Gone To Bed With Ugly Women but I've Sure Woke Up With A Few.

Les Mis

“To love another person is to see the face of God.”

I’ve been listening to a lot of opera and Broadway lately, and tonight it was Les Miserables. In the finale, Jean Val Jean says this to Fauntine and Cosette. It gives me Goosebumps when I hear it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Unclehood strikes again

Yesterday I babysat for my sister’s kids and it was fun. Very trying, but fun. My sister is repainting the upstairs, so there is a whole shwack of stuff that we don’t want Carson to get into, which corresponds with the only things that Carson wanted to do yesterday, which was get into the stuff he wasn’t supposed to…

The fun part though was when it came time to change him. That kid had one ungodly smell coming out of his pants, and although I normally save that kind of thing for when she gets home, it had become unbearable. So, I had decided to change him, which in the interest of self preservation, was the incorrect decision.

I put him on the changing table, and then quickly discovered that I had no more wipes. So, here I am with a toddler in one hand (grasped by the feet I might add), the other getting a package of wipes and opening it with my teeth (which if you ever wonder about, tastes very bad).

Now the wipes are not really what I would call easily accessible without the use of it’s box (I don’t know what else I would call it). This box acts like a discharger for the wipes, in that if you don’t have the box, the wipes have a very strong tendency to stick together.

So, imagine if you will, Uncle Jon trying to rip off the wipes with one hand (Imagine trying to rip paper towel with one hand x 10) and pinning down a 20 month old’s arms with his own feet, with one hand, all the while gagging because I’m convinced something crawled up his rear and died.

After struggling with the wipes, (I had wrapped my hand around about 6 and then made a mighty tear) I could focus on this Hellian, who was giggling at my feeble attempt to do such a simple task. As I began to clean him up, he decided this would be a perfect opportunity to get up and go for a walk. I won’t get into any details, other than I had to do some serious cleaning up afterwards.

In short, that kid owes me big time. But I love him just the same. We had lots of fun watching the Bernstein Bears, Baby Neptune and lots of fun stuff.

In other news, I’m very much enjoying Winnipeg. My cousin and I are going dancing on Saturday. We are going to learn how to Salsa, Meringue (spelling?) and Swing, which is very very exciting. We go for a nice supper, then start dancing, then go for a wine and cheese afterwards. It will be so much fun, I love a good excuse to wear my zoot suit.

I’m really enjoying my classes thus far and I will write more on that when I have a chance.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Now in Winnipeg.

So I’ve made the big move into Winnipeg. It is proving to get more and more interesting every day. I am so happy to be done with all of the administration bullsh*t finally. Now on to the classes. Today was the first day of classes and it wasn’t so bad. My philosophy of Language class is going to prove to be very fun. The professor seems to be very fun and funny so I’m really looking forward to the class, although some of the people in the class are overanalysing everything that the prof is say just so that they can look smart…

Oh well, such is life.

Tomorrow I have my first day of other classes, but that should be fun as well. I’ve got a pretty tight schedule planned out, which I’m enjoying thus far, of working out and going to class. I just hope that I can keep it up.

Now, there is lots of other interesting things that I can talk about, but I will primarily throw this one out there because I know the humour factor that it will provide for everyone.

When I moved into residence, there was a very odd combination of tidy filth in my place. There was very little to almost no clutter anywhere, yet the bathroom had wisker shavings everywhere and tones of dust. You could also see where people had been wiping off the toilette seat but maybe not so much the seat (and you could see reminints of things that I wish not to mention in my blog).

So I went out, purchased every cleaning product I could find and some rubber gloves and cleaned the apartment. Now all is well and I’m much happier, but I had yet to meet my roommate, Richard.

Richard arrived today, and was very surprised to see the cleanliness of the place. He mentioned to me that the cleaning ladies come around once every couple of weeks or so to clean the apartment so he never normally did that. I told him that we would normally be keeping it clean, and he seemed to be ok with that (all 140 lbs of him).

Other than that, Richard is a very nice guy. He seemed very, hmm, how can I put it? Princessy? Yes, that would describe it. It’s kind of an odd combination. He’s very princessy because he does a lot of bossing and bitching about life, while also being very feminine. But his boyfriend isn’t as flamboient as he is. He is more feminine, but he a little more jolly and funny than Richard.

Hmmmm. That should make for an interesting year.

In other news, I beat my buddy Rhett in Squash today 3 games to none, and I also kicked his ass at speed squash.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone. I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and that life is nice and good.

My New Years Resolutions?

1. Get a hair cut.
2. Have something to eat.

I hate disappointment, so I keep easy resolutions. And I'm feeling rather hungry, so I think I'll go keep one of my New Year's Resolutions right now. I wish everyone the very best in the upcoming year! Just think of what it will bring!