The sega continues
The other night I went out to play poker with my buddy Clayton. I lost of course to his fiancé, who would touch trips one with a big kicker about 6 times that I recall (and I honestly think she had more…)
Anyways, my point of my story is not to complain about being beaten by a girl, although that would have some merit. When I was at Clayton’s house one of his friends came over. His name was Andrew. Now I had not met Andrew before, or this should have been the case. But the second he came up the stairs I said, “Hey, I know you!” And he said, “Uh, I don’t think so.”
I said, “No, seriously I do. I must have been I residence with you my first year.”
He said, “Nope. I’ve never lived in residence.”
I said, “hmm, that’s strange because I swear I know you from first year.”
He sat down and started to play some cards and later on said, “you know what, you do look hellish familiar… what classes were you in?”
J: “World religions, geology, calculus, Psychology”
A: “Who did you have for Psych? What it a chick?”
J: “Yeah, Jackobson I think.”
A: “Dude, that’s it. That’s how I know you, we used to sit together.”
J: ” Nope, I never went to class, and when I did I sat with a girl that I dated…”
A: “That’s weird, but I still can’t figure out how I know you… but you look so familiar. Were you in theatre?”
J: “FIRST YEAR DRAMA. That’s how I know you!”
A: “Yeah! You used to smoke dope with Quintin and I after class right?”
J: “No I didn’t! I’ve never touched the stuff, however I know who you’re thinking about and I’m not him! But we were in class together, I’m the guy who dated Miss Manitoba for a while…”
A: “Oh, yeah, right. That’s so weird that we would know each other like that…”
So, on progressed our evening, proceeding to get kicked from Crystal and her never-ending horseshoes. I couldn’t believe that I remembered this guy just when I saw him from taking one class with him 6 years ago. And everyone thought that I was full of Sh*t! As the night progressed, he then started to complain about his roommate…
A: “So, Richard was over last night and man was there a fight or what…”
Then Clayton started laughing uncontrollably. Yes folks, that’s right. I randomly met the other straight guy who’s roommate is the boyfriend of my roommate. Wow. At least we both got to concur that living with a gay roommate makes you unbelievably heterosexual.
No, I meant sega. It's been on the market for about a year. I can't believe you haven't heard about it.
It's called, Adventures with Richard the homosexual.
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