Update (maybe the last one?)
I should probably apologize for not ignoring my blog for the past few months. I am starting to become of the opinion that blogging is not for me. It served a purpose in my life, but I’m not sure if it is something I will continue.
When I started blogging, I found it very therapeutic. I could write my thoughts or concerns about the business, friends, what is occurring in my life. It was an avenue to vent, and an avenue to express my thoughts on things that I had never gotten down on paper. Now that I have Jackie in my life, I don't find the need to vent nor the need to express myself on paper. Having her in my life allows me to bounce ideas off of her without publishing them for all to see. Now the only time I have for my blog is when I am driving, thinking to myself about random things, and when I get to a computer, I find that blogging is not the biggest priority for me. Running the family business certainly does not leave time for my poor blog.
The other reason that I have ignored my blog is because of that nut in Montreal. I have a hard time contributing to something that actually harmed and caused death to befall other people. As much as I can defend my own writing works, I believe that the existence of blogs caused that deranged young student to go on a killing rampage. Had blogs not existed, he would not have the opportunity to harvest those terrible thoughts and feelings and maybe he would have gotten help. I pity those who hate, as they are sick.
Although these concerns are present, I will post an update.
I’m happy to see that all of my friends are still checking the blog. I actually find myself surprised to see exactly who is checking my blog. Nevertheless, I thank you for your interest.
As for an update, Jackie and I have made our first purchase together, we bought a house in the beginning of August. The wedding day is November 4, which is sneaking up very quickly. I am finding myself getting surprised at how much planning is involved in this wedding, and even more surprised at how I find myself loving this little fiery little brunette more with every single day. (I actually don’t find myself surprised, but every day she gives me another reason to love her more). Right now she is spending time in Winnipeg with her folks, getting ready for the wedding.
Owning a house is something else. Yesterday I spent most of my time in the garden cultivating with a rodotiler. (spelling?) That is some hard work I’ll tell you. The house we have has a mighty vegetable garden and one beautiful yard. It is going to take one pile of work, but it is something that I am actually getting excited about. I like the idea of working in our yard, growing our own vegetables, making our own space look beautiful.
Work has been very exciting as well. We have had a very busy summer, which has been keeping me very busy. We have been very fortunate to end up with some good sized projects this year and it looks like there are more coming down the pipe. Most days I am up at 4:00 or 5:00 and getting home around 7:00. But all of that will be coming to an end once the snow flies.
Good luck with the house, and garden, and rototiller.
My brother marries on Nov. 4th too.
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