Unclehood strikes again
Yesterday I babysat for my sister’s kids and it was fun. Very trying, but fun. My sister is repainting the upstairs, so there is a whole shwack of stuff that we don’t want Carson to get into, which corresponds with the only things that Carson wanted to do yesterday, which was get into the stuff he wasn’t supposed to…
The fun part though was when it came time to change him. That kid had one ungodly smell coming out of his pants, and although I normally save that kind of thing for when she gets home, it had become unbearable. So, I had decided to change him, which in the interest of self preservation, was the incorrect decision.
I put him on the changing table, and then quickly discovered that I had no more wipes. So, here I am with a toddler in one hand (grasped by the feet I might add), the other getting a package of wipes and opening it with my teeth (which if you ever wonder about, tastes very bad).
Now the wipes are not really what I would call easily accessible without the use of it’s box (I don’t know what else I would call it). This box acts like a discharger for the wipes, in that if you don’t have the box, the wipes have a very strong tendency to stick together.
So, imagine if you will, Uncle Jon trying to rip off the wipes with one hand (Imagine trying to rip paper towel with one hand x 10) and pinning down a 20 month old’s arms with his own feet, with one hand, all the while gagging because I’m convinced something crawled up his rear and died.
After struggling with the wipes, (I had wrapped my hand around about 6 and then made a mighty tear) I could focus on this Hellian, who was giggling at my feeble attempt to do such a simple task. As I began to clean him up, he decided this would be a perfect opportunity to get up and go for a walk. I won’t get into any details, other than I had to do some serious cleaning up afterwards.
In short, that kid owes me big time. But I love him just the same. We had lots of fun watching the Bernstein Bears, Baby Neptune and lots of fun stuff.
In other news, I’m very much enjoying Winnipeg. My cousin and I are going dancing on Saturday. We are going to learn how to Salsa, Meringue (spelling?) and Swing, which is very very exciting. We go for a nice supper, then start dancing, then go for a wine and cheese afterwards. It will be so much fun, I love a good excuse to wear my zoot suit.
I’m really enjoying my classes thus far and I will write more on that when I have a chance.
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