Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Enjoying Winnipeg life thus far

I had one fun night last night.

My cousin invited me out for poker night. And of course, they all drink like a bunch of Ukrainians so we did it up right. We were playing elimination Hold’em, which means everyone puts into the pot and in turn are given x amount of chips. So, the first game everyone (6 guys) put in 5 bones, one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. The second game was a $10 game (6 guys), one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. (see the pattern?)

The third game was a $20 game (6 guys), one of which was mine, which I lost rather quickly. Oh. Just wait. In this third game, when I say “Lost rather quickly,” I actually mean, “Kicked ass and won.”

Oh yeah, and I also won the fourth game. Same stakes as the third.


So yeah, I was very happy to win. The fun part was that my buddy Myron was trying to offer me a really pathetic deal, and I wouldn’t take it (and he was the chip leader) because it was a pathetic offer. So I grinded him out.

Of course, just like my great grand dad used to say, “To be a good card player, it takes good cards.”

Seeing that I’m talking about fun things that I did, I will also mention that I went out on Saturday night. Man it was fun. My cousin Katlyn and I went out and had a nice supper, then learned how to salsa. (we also learned how to line dance and do hip hop, but I would rather discuss the salsa because I sucked at the latter). I had such a good time. Katlyn sure can dance so we were cutting up some serious rug. And guess what else? We got to swing dance, and a guy I met there was a hell of a swing dancer, so I got to learn some new moves in swing dancing. There were a lot of tosses and some flips too. Fun fun fun!

I can’t wait to try some of my new moves with some of my friends that know how to dance. (Insert names such as Becca, Lisette, etc.)


At 8:25 p.m., Blogger Tracey said...

Hey If you want to be on the sask blog list, just head on to the blog on that list named Catprint in the mash, and leave a msg for the guy there - Lance. He's the one with the list, and he'll hook u up!! He also has the link that you need to put into your sidebar or wherever you want the list to go on your blog. And if you know any other Sask. Bloggers, have them do the same. THe more the Merrier!

At 12:19 a.m., Blogger Saskboy said...

The SK blog roll can be found at Lance's Catprint page


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