Friday, December 30, 2005

I know, I know, it’s been a while.

I’ve been having a very good time this last week. My sister and her husband have been down with the kids. It’s makes me pretty happy to see them both.

Today Carson said his first proper name. “Jon.” It was pretty fantastic. And he was saying it very clearly. I don’t think I’ve ever been so proud.

Boxing day was quite the day. My Auntie Patti and her family came for a visit and we had fun. My dad opened a bottle of tequila that our friend Gustavo gave him about 5 years ago and man was it smooth. A little too smooth for some of us, but Jon stayed conscious for the entire night.

Not sober mind you, but conscious.

Boxing day was also the night of the annual house crawl. Now that was fun. Let me explain to you the objective. We to go each other’s houses and drink until:
a) all the alcohol has been drunk
b) one hour has elapsed.

We have yet to run into situation a).
After the house crawl, we ended up at the Flyers Annual Cabaret and had a good time. However, my buddy got a black eye…

He was outside watching some dudes scrap it out and he turned to a stranger and said, “Where I’m from, we talk to solve our problems.” The stranger said, “where’s that?” My buddy told him where he’s from, then pow, right in the kisser. (well, the eye rather).

I’m getting very apprehensive for school. I’ve been over eating and over drinking lately, so I can’t wait to get into gym and get playing some squash. The gym is going to be just down the road from where I live, so I’m rather excited. I’ve also been doing a little bit of dating, and so far so good.

But we will leave that for another blog.


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to all

I am about to go to sleep on Christmas eve. My mom, dad and I spent the evening with my Uncle Daryl, Auntie Patti and family and it was wonderful. We ate great food, drank good wine and laughed at some good times. I know my baba was with us, watching over us during this time of family.

On a side note, I didn't really have the time to write this the other day, but I feel I'll insert it here. I was very touched at my cousin Gary's funeral the other day. The priest gave a beautiful homily, and in his homily he told us that Gary had made special arrangements to go to Reconcilation the night before his death. The priest said, "I am not here to pray for Gary. There is no doubt in my mind where he is. He is up there waiting for the rest of us! He doesn't need my prayers to get where he's going." I was just very touched by the way Gary lived his life and right to the point that one of the last things he did was Confess his sins and recieve forgiveness.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that everyone remembers what is being celebrated. Family, friends, love and of course, the birth of our Lord Christ.

God Bless everyone and a Merry Christmas to all!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Drunken List (right before I passed out)

List of things that I like

Big Dogs.
Cute chicks
Having tonnes of fun at the local establishment with people that I grew up with
Snuggling all night with someone that you love
Snuggling all night with someone that loves you
Girls with nice bums
Down hill skiing

Good Times

Holy Macaroni, did I ever have a good time tonight.

It’s December 23rd, and I just got back from the bar at 3:45 am and man was it good. It was good seeing everyone again and having a good time. Of course, there are your token people that always come up to you and talk your ear off but that’s expected. But all and all, the Piss Two was a good time this year.

I got to see my buddy Brandice, who I haven’t seen for a long time. Her and I go way back, and she’s now engaged. So partying it up at the bar was a very fun time. She actually tried to play a trick on me, she came up behind me, reached down my pants and tried to give me a weggie. Joke was on her, I wasn’t wearing any underwear!


I don’t know about anyone else, but I thought that was funny.

It’s funny, I still get young kids coming up to me asking me to do magic tricks. All of my friends are sick of seeing my tricks because they’ve seen them a million times, but other kids who remember me doing them love it.

Anyways, I wish everyone the best in the Christmas season and just in case I don’t get around to blogging, I hope that everyone has a very wonderful New Years.

A special hello goes out to my buddy Jenn, who is in Korea right now, she’s not able to spend Christmas with her family this year, so I wish her the very best and send her my prayers. She checks up on my blog all of the time, and I really appreciates it! (p.s. You’re definitely the hottest girl in Korea right now, definitely!)

(you can tell people that I said that too!)

(and I can tell that I’m really drunk because I can feel how hot my ears are right now)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Good Humour

The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello".

"Mrs. Ward, please."

" Speaking."

"Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory. When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain which one is your husband's. Frankly the results are either bad or terrible."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Ward asks nervously.

"Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for AIDS. We can't tell which is your husband's."

"That's dreadful! Can't you do the test again?" questioned Mrs.Ward.

"Normally we can, but Medicare will only pay for these expensive tests one time."

"Well, what am I supposed to do now?"

"The people at Medicare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him !"

Monday, December 19, 2005

Economics Article Review

I wrote a review on an article printed in the Globe and Mail for my economics class. It was fairly interesting because he states that although larger countries, (USA, Etc) are constantly aiding third world countries by sending supplies, they do not fix the problem it is mearly a bandaid solution. Kind of the mentality, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. But teach a man a fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Interesting thought. Let me know what you think.

Kind Words or economic power: There’s a fair trade - Ken Wiwa. The Globe and Mail, Saturday, December 10th, 2005.

In his article “Kind Words or Economic Power: There’s a fair trade” Ken Wiwa writes on the issues dealt with The World Trade Organization (WTO). Wiwa criticizes the credibility of WTO, claiming that it is an obsolete organization that is not fulfilling its purpose. More specifically, Wiwa does not believe that WTO is not helping protect third world countries against economic giants such as the United States or Europe.

The World Trade Organization is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. “The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.” The WTO is a member driven organization with the negotiated agreements signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations at its heart, which are ratified in their parliaments. This organization was brought about in lieu of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) when it gridlock on the Uruguay round of negotiations.

Wiwa’s main criticism of WTO is that it does not hold an effective position of power. It has no control of powerhouse countries such as the United States. The United States promotes exporting rather than promoting trading, or as Wiwa puts it: “In their ideal world, i.e. the status quo, the Americans insist that the rest of the world must open up for American goods wand services, but don’t try to sell anything (sugar, cotton, steel) to them.” This idea of promoting export but discouraging imports works well for the industrial nation and its capitalistic government as this exporting practice directly affects the GDP equation (GDP = C+I+G+(X-M), where X = Exports and M = Imports). Increasing exports and reducing imports will certainly increase GDP, which is ultimately good for the government and for the entire economy. However, it comes at the expense of the American Consumer. The Americans are encouraging removing tariffs from their exports into other countries but keeping tariffs on imports coming into the US, and therefore decreasing the consumer surplus and increasing revenue to government (by the amount of tariffs collected) and increasing manufacturer profits (for selling at the elevated prices due to tariffs).

Wiwa’s other criticism attacks Europe’s eagerness to hand out subsidies to European farmers. Wiwa writes:

…the Europeans use the vehicle of the Common Agricultural Policy to ensure a policy of “no farmer left behind” – and so the European taxpayer pays enough in subsidies to fly every pig in Europe around the world on a first –class air ticket. Did someone say, “When pigs fly?” (Wiwa)

Economically speaking, subsidies take great criticism because of the government expenditure involved. With subsidies, there is no loss in consumer surplus, but in a case such as in pig farming, it does not help the long term longevity of the economy. If the farmers are relying on subsidies they will not be encouraged to diversify from their pork market. The European pork market will continue to operate subsidized operations, which allows the world market of pork to stay lower making it difficult to allow other domestic markets to compete, internationally or domestically.

The WTO is supposed to prevent these types of actions from taking place, but because the WTO is member driven, it will never become effective because it has no policing. It is an organization that sets up ideals and agreements, which the larger countries do not abide.

Wiwa noted that WTO needs to exercise “Trade Justice – Not Charity.” (Wiwa) He further noted that the African countries struggling with poverty will never be able to rise to any kind of economic ascendancy if they are not allowed to compete in the world markets because of unfair domestic subsidies and tariffs on their exports on other countries. These third world countries cannot rely on import substitution to raise output, as it was learned from the 1950s-1970s and therefore must rely on export-led growth to raise the country’s output. If these third world countries’ competitiveness in the world marketplace is being prohibited, they will not be able to arise from the economic pitfalls it is experiencing.

The WTO should promote Trade Justice in order boost the global economy. When a country has been relying on subsidies to keep a market afloat, i.e. European Pork market, it is not allowing Trade Justice. In fact, it hinders the Global Market, as there are other countries that could produce those goods with no subsidies. The WTO should also try to prohibit the USA from discouraging imports. The United States discouraging imports along with European subsidies is hindering developing countries from utilizing the export-led growth action plan.

Another reason that the WTO should promote Trade Justice is it will make the world economy more efficient. Subsidies are a socialistic measure and are meant to help the manufacturers, in this case the pig farmers, in tough times. The fact of the matter is that the global economy would be better off in the long run if these farmers did poorly for a number of years. The farmers would be begin to diversify into other markets and stop relying on government intervention, which would allow lesser developed countries easier access to the world market. Allowing these developing countries equal opportunity in the world market is what is needed to make export-led growth a success.

The WTO needs to stop being a passive organization in order to promote global efficiency and help evenly distribute the global wealth. But because the organization is member driven, it will always address the needs of its larger members first on the agenda. A distant second is the world poverty issue. Members will not look out for the best interest of third world countries at the expense of its own economy and therefore WTO will never be truly effective in the world market.

Prayer request

My mom's cousin Richard passed away on Friday. He had a heart attack while shoveling snow. He has left a widow and his son, who is 23.

Please pray for his soul and for his family's well being.

Cold way to end a fun weekend

He had our year end Christmas party this weekend and it was a blast. I kind of wish that my girl could have made it, but she couldn't so I went by myself. It's always a really nice time, we take all of our managers to the Spa and spend the weekend there, and go out for a nice supper. It sure was fun.

However, when I got home last night, I had the wonderful suprize of dealing with a furnace with a pilot light that blew out. So my house was 8 degrees when I got home. MIGHTY COLD!

I fiddled around and finally got the pilot light working and then forgot to turn the setting from pilot to on. (note that this is important, because if this slight detail is overlooked, you will be attempting to heat your house with the tiny pilot light).

So finally after my hot bath (about an hour later) I realized that it was still damn cold. So I went back outside and rectified the problem. It warmed up to 19 degrees and then Kapoot. The pilot blew out again never to turn on again. The worst part, I had burned up all of my wood previously when I had a working furnace, and I was uninterested in going to the office to get more at 10:30 in the morning. So I couldn't even start a fire. I cuddled up with some blankets and in the morning it was 12 degrees.

But my plumber came in, fixed it and it is starting to warm up in here. YAY.

Now on to my economics studying.

For all who care, I got 100% on my assignment that I have been working on. My exam is on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fun Quotes

"Tact is the art of making guests feel at home when that's really where you wish they were." - George E. Bergman

"The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all." Pablo Casals

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family" - Anthony Brandt

"It infuriates me to be wrong when I know I'm right." Moliere

"It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you often get it." W. Somerset Maugham

And one of my favourites from my dad

"A secret is only a secret when three people know it and two of them are dead."

Rough day

I had a hard day yesterday. We had a contractor put his truck in the ditch with his trailer. He was traveling up a valley, and he didn’t' have enough momentum to get up the hill, so he started to slide backwards back down the valley (with a gooseneck trailer). He slammed on the brakes but they wouldn’t hold. So he slide back down the valley, and jackknifed his trailer into sleep ditch.

When he phoned he was in hysterics and I don’t blame him. Fortunately, he was unharmed, just very shook up.

Other fun stuff? I had people trying to get product yesterday, even with the horrific road conditions, and I had contractors upset because my drivers refused to deliver because of unfit road conditions. That’s the short version.

I finally had to tell one guy,

- “Would you send your mother out in this?”
- “no”
- “ Then why would you expect me to send my employees in this?”

At any rate, I had a bad day, but it got a little bit better when I got home, worked out and had a cold beer with a nice steak.

I hope today is a little bit better.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Holy Broker Batman!

So I got rid of my old broker about 3 months ago and moved my RRSP to a new fellow. He is more aggresive than my old broker.

Here's the quick rundown: My old broker lost me money in '99-'00 and slowly brought my portfollio back, but never fully recovered my losses, which sat around 10% lower then when I started.

This broker has had my money for 10 weeks and has not only made my money back what I lost, but I have made 13% in my RRSP on top of my losses.