Monday, December 19, 2005

Cold way to end a fun weekend

He had our year end Christmas party this weekend and it was a blast. I kind of wish that my girl could have made it, but she couldn't so I went by myself. It's always a really nice time, we take all of our managers to the Spa and spend the weekend there, and go out for a nice supper. It sure was fun.

However, when I got home last night, I had the wonderful suprize of dealing with a furnace with a pilot light that blew out. So my house was 8 degrees when I got home. MIGHTY COLD!

I fiddled around and finally got the pilot light working and then forgot to turn the setting from pilot to on. (note that this is important, because if this slight detail is overlooked, you will be attempting to heat your house with the tiny pilot light).

So finally after my hot bath (about an hour later) I realized that it was still damn cold. So I went back outside and rectified the problem. It warmed up to 19 degrees and then Kapoot. The pilot blew out again never to turn on again. The worst part, I had burned up all of my wood previously when I had a working furnace, and I was uninterested in going to the office to get more at 10:30 in the morning. So I couldn't even start a fire. I cuddled up with some blankets and in the morning it was 12 degrees.

But my plumber came in, fixed it and it is starting to warm up in here. YAY.

Now on to my economics studying.

For all who care, I got 100% on my assignment that I have been working on. My exam is on Wednesday.


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