Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to all

I am about to go to sleep on Christmas eve. My mom, dad and I spent the evening with my Uncle Daryl, Auntie Patti and family and it was wonderful. We ate great food, drank good wine and laughed at some good times. I know my baba was with us, watching over us during this time of family.

On a side note, I didn't really have the time to write this the other day, but I feel I'll insert it here. I was very touched at my cousin Gary's funeral the other day. The priest gave a beautiful homily, and in his homily he told us that Gary had made special arrangements to go to Reconcilation the night before his death. The priest said, "I am not here to pray for Gary. There is no doubt in my mind where he is. He is up there waiting for the rest of us! He doesn't need my prayers to get where he's going." I was just very touched by the way Gary lived his life and right to the point that one of the last things he did was Confess his sins and recieve forgiveness.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and that everyone remembers what is being celebrated. Family, friends, love and of course, the birth of our Lord Christ.

God Bless everyone and a Merry Christmas to all!


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