Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What a day!

I’ve had a day. It's been a rough, busy, tiring, sad, and extremely happy day.

We were insanely busy today at work. We were producing concrete for another concrete plant because their plant was shut down. AND, we were insanely busy before we took on that work. I didn’t get off of work until about 7:00.

After my supper, I sat around and allowed myself to unwind. I decided to pray my rosary and I was Meditating on the Joyful Mysteries. I was going to meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries (because I was feeling a little down), but I decided that I need to Meditate on the Joyful Mysteries. So, just as I was on the third decade, the phone rang, and it was my mom. I quit praying and had a quick chat with her.

She informed me that my sister has begun having contractions and she is probably going to be having her baby sometime tonight or this morning.

I hung up the phone, and decided that I should dedicate the rest of the Rosary to my sister and her baby. So, I started again from the third decade, and realised that the third decade of the Joyful Mysteries is the Birth of Jesus.

It just reminded me that there are many good things in my life that I should be concerned with. When I started praying, I asked for God’s guidance, and asked him to help me figure out things in my life. And right when I asked for His help, it came. :D He’s such a sly cat!

I have a wonderful family and it is growing (really, as we speak, it is growing!) Please say a prayer for the safety of my sister and her baby.


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