Monday, March 13, 2006

You know what really grinds my gears?

People who don’t know how to merge into traffic. This morning I was coming home from Portage and I got onto MacGillvray Boulevard, and the fellow in front of me pulled into the merging lane and then stopped dead. Why (Rhetorical)? Because he had to cut across 3 lanes to get into the lane that he wanted. That’s fine, but he had ½ a mile to get into that lane. The merging lane is made so that you can speed up to the speed of traffic and then “merge” into traffic so that it doesn’t congest traffic. This DF didn’t do any of that.

While I’m complaining, here’s a list of other unrelated things:

- small dogs that bark incessantly.
- Mean cats (most of them are)
- Boring professors
- Stubbing my toe
- People who are intolerant of foreign cultures
- The Dutch. (ha ha)
- Playing a poker hand perfectly, having incredible good odds in my favour, and then losing.
- Students who feel the need to discuss other authors in class during a lecture.
For example: There’s a guy in my Political Economics class who always discusses The Lexus and the Olive Tree by Thomas L. Friedman. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great book, but that book discusses Globalization as a cultural event more than an economical event. BUT GUESS WHAT GUY, WE’RE IN ECONOMICS CLASS! It’s a lecture, not a book club. I always feel like saying, “Well, my Dad doesn’t agree with Andrew Gamble either…” What my Dad thinks about Neo Liberalism is about as relevant as Friedman’s analysis. I’m not discrediting what Friedman, I’m merely pointing out that it has no place in Economic class.


At 9:41 a.m., Blogger The Jon Man said...

Wrong, most mean cats are mean. It is a valid stereotype

At 12:50 a.m., Blogger jamesAMDG said...

Maybe cats just don't like you Jon, because they have good built in jerk detectors, haha. Of course that wouldn't explain why they seem to like me alright...

But seriously, the bad beat is proabably the worst thing ever. It used to put me on tilt for a couple hands and I would ahve try to super hard to stay focussed, not as bad now, so watch out!

At 8:14 a.m., Blogger The Jon Man said...

That could be true, however my girlfriend's cat seems to really like me. Mind you, that cat isn't a mean cat, so i'm favourable towards it...


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