Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What does it mean to be Catholic?

If you look up the word “Catholic” in the dictionary, you will read different meanings of the word. The most common definition would be “belonging to or characteristic of the Catholic Church.” That’s pretty straight forward, I would think that most people would agree with that definition. When you think of a Catholic, you think of someone who goes to that church and believes in the Catholic Catechism.

But is that all there is to being Catholic? Is Catholicism based on a system of beliefs? Is a Catholic merely someone who goes to church every Sunday? Is a Catholic someone who prays, and takes the sacraments?

There is another definition. Catholic: Adjective: "All inclusive, or including or concerned with all people." I think that this is just as important as believing in the practices of the church. I think this is a more accurate description of what a catholic is. More and more I meet people who tell me that they are Catholic but do not value the same values that I hold dear, but more importantly, people do not treat others with the respect, dignity and love that Christ would have wanted us to.

I feel that you cannot just go to church every Sunday and say a few prayers and call yourself a Catholic. It is not enough to simply pray for the well being of others, pray for the sick, pray for the homeless. It is not enough to tell others about how good you are and how you love God. Loving God isn’t about words, it’s about action. Loving God is about Loving your neighbour. Talk is cheap and in abundance.

Being Catholic is about taking action. Giving to the needy. Visiting the sick. Living a life that Jesus wanted us to lead. Treating our fellow man with dignity and respect. Being honourable, being someone who can be trusted. Nowadays there are too many people who lie and cheat but still consider themselves to be Catholics because they go to church every Sunday, but then disregard the practices. But if asked, "oh yes, I am Catholic. "

Don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not a perfect man, nor would I be considered to be a good catholic. I certainly fall off the wagon, but I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I don’t lie about who I am, and I repent for the wrongdoings that I’ve done and pray for God’s mercy. It is not my place to judge others, but I have a tough time seeing the value in someone whose acts contradict their words. How can I see the value in people who cannot be trusted, someone who doesn’t show love towards mankind? How do I show love and kindness towards people whose words completely contract their actions?


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