Friday, February 10, 2006


Well, it’s been a while since I’ve last updated.

It’s now February break and I’m in Florida for the week with my parents. I left a snowy Winnipeg this morning with my sister, and her two little boys. It was a bit of adventure getting here with the two boys, but we got here safe and that’s what’s important.

I had to laugh in the Winnipeg terminal. My sister and I were walking down the ramp to get into the plane, and there was a man making faces at Carson and Davis. We got to talking as we waited to get on the plane and he asked where we were going.
Now, Keep in mind, we were on the ramp between the terminal and the actual plane, and we were going to Minneapolis, then on to Ft. Myers. He was on our flight with us.

So, keeping that in mind, he asked us where we were going and we told him we were going to Florida. Then he asked us, “Are you taking a direct flight to Florida?”

All I said was, “We better not be, or we’re on the wrong flight.”

I will leave that alone.

We arrived here and it was very nice. The boys were happy to see Papa and Baba. (and my sister’s in laws come to Florida in the Winter as well, so they were there to see the boys too. It was a nice greeting!)

We came back to the condo and enjoyed a nice cold one and some of the best shrimp I’ve ever had. Those shrimp were huge, and my dad sure knows how to make them.

Although I have lots of studying to do, I will really enjoy staying here with my family. It’s very relaxing and I cherish the times we spend together like this.

To my faithful readers, have a good long weekend. To my unfaithful readers, I hope you have a good weekend too. (I’m not discriminate). I’ve got a whole bunch of posts that I’ve been working on but haven’t proofed yet, so keep checking….


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