Thursday, June 23, 2005

To a Jackass: A salute to Retailers

I had a pissy experience yesterday and I’m still miffed about it. A fellow came into the office and asked for some efflorescence cleaner. I gave him the cleaner, told him how to apply it and explained the product to him. He came back yesterday and wanted his money back because the product didn’t work. I asked him how he used the cleaner, and the coles notes version is that he didn’t do absolutely anything that I told him to. The product he returned was contaminated, and he stood there demanding his money back because the product was no good. You can’t ignore the instructions to a product and then blame the product! I had four customers waiting behind this *Ahem* Gentleman, so I decided save face in front of the other customers and this him so I refunded his money. When I was done, he virtually told me that he thought I was a shyster for selling him something that didn’t work and he wouldn’t be back to do business here.

Customers are the core of our business and we try to go the extra mile when doing business. Clearly, if all customers were like this, because there would be no retail business. Businessmen are in the business to make money, not to look out for the stupidity of the customer. How can I protect the consumer from his own stupidity?

Furthermore, if retail businessmen got fed up with dealing with the public (and they do) the economy would fall. With no retail, nobody selling to the final consumer, all sub-trades would fall. The final consumer drives the economy, and without the retail outlets, the consumer would have no where to purchase goods.

So, I would like to offer my appreciation to those who deal with retail customers. Waitresses, clerks, tellers, thank you. You put up with more garbage on a day to day basis than I have experience all month no doubt.


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